Lily the Pink
A classic of bouquet of stunning scented lilies with foliage perfect for Mother's Day or simply because they are someones favourite. Bouquet pictured is the medium sized.
Please allow 24hrs lead time for this bouquet or call us on 01273 552555 to see if we can help with same day delivery.
Most bouquets are available for same day delivery unless a lead time is specified. Please call us to check if you have any concerns. If a flower pictured is unavailable for any reason, our skilled florists will substitute for a flower of the same or higher monetary value and in a similar style and colour. Please note that as with all natural products, there may be slight variances in colour.
All flowers and plants are gift wrapped, placed in an aqua pack if necessary for delivery and accompanied with a handwritten message.
The following charges apply to delivery:
- Postcode BN1: £4.95
- Postcode BN2: £4.95
- Postcode BN3: £4.95
- Postcode BN41: £6.95
- Postcode BN42: £6.95
- Postcode BN43: £6.95
- Postcode BN5: £6.95
- Postcode BN6: £9.50
- Postcode BN7: £9.50
- Postcode BN8: £9.50
- Postcode BN9: £9.50
- Postcode BN10: £9.50
- Postcode BN99: £9.50
- Postcode RH16: £9.50
- Postcode RH17: £9.50
- Postcode RH18: £9.50